U-Pick Harvesting Information
Free zucchini harvesting at Farm Smart!
All ages welcome.
Please bring your own bag(s).
Date/Time: 1 harvesting time available on Friday, May 27th: 9am through 11am (no entry after 11am).
Location: UCCE Imperial: Participants will enter the facility at 1050 Holton Rd in Holtville and walk to the harvesting garden. You will have plenty of time in the field to harvest zucchini.
Waiver: Click the links to view our liability waiver All visitors will be required to sign a waiver of liability before entering the facility. Visitor Clearnace Survey: Please review the visitor clearance survey before arriving at the facility
Parking: All parking will be outside of the main entry fence.
Questions? Please contact Stacey Amparano at scwills@ucanr.edu or (760)356-3067